Anti-Trump Hysteria is Turning Democrats Into Warmongers

By Mason Mohon | @mohonofficial

The ghost of John McCain has risen to possess the most unlikely host: the Democrats. Trump’s magical aura seems to automatically turn anyone with a (D) in front of their names against him. This occurs regardless of his policy decision. Orange man is always bad. Doesn’t matter what he did, has done, or will do. Orange man is bad, even when orange man is creating a world where fewer people die.


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Study Shows Hawaiian Police Exploiting Sex Trafficking Victims

Mason Mohon | @mohonofficial

Many hold the belief that the Civil War and the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution effectively ended slavery. While the conventional forms of plantation slavery no longer plague America, the idea that slavery as a whole has been eliminated is an ignorant view based around Ameri-centrism. One of the most brutal forms of slavery that exist in the world today is the sex trafficking of children. To make matters even worse, the police that we expect to work against this issue are complicit and sometimes even participate in the world of involuntary child prostitution. (more…)

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Contra Zizek: Capitalism Doesn’t Need Slavery

Mason Mohon | @mohonofficial

When discussing Slavoj Zizek, “prolific” is an understatement. He has written over fifty books in English over his life, and many more are to come. His theories have ranged from philosophy and cultural theory to Lacanian psychoanalysis and economics. Even those that disagree with his fundamental theses could learn a lot from him. He does, though, fall into the trap of traditional anti-capitalism. “Profit man bad” NPC memes aside, let’s look at where Zizek goes wrong in claiming that slavery is necessary for capitalist organization.


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