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The #ThotAudit in Hindsight

The internet slang word “THOT” stands for “That Hoe Over There”, and is used to describe, well, hoes.
With the use of modern technology, men are finding more and more ways to satisfy their sexual desires. Given the nature of these forms of entertainment, it is no surprise that many a times they carry with them all sorts of controversy. One such example may be sex robots, with feminists claiming they perpetuate rape culture and calling for their banning–that is a subject for another article.
Sometimes the controversies are not caused by raving cultural Marxist feminists but are rather sprouted from the right. A recent development in internet culture lead to the rise of “right wing tax squads” who reported “e-thots” with premium Snapchats to the IRS for failing to declare their income. A premium Snapchat is a type of sexual entertainment, where the customers, almost exclusively men, pay a young, attractive woman a certain amount of money (around $25 a month) so that she sends them intimate and sexually explicit pictures, videos, and messages.
With the IRS incentivizing people to report tax evaders by giving them 15-30% of the taxed money , many have been reporting these e-thots for tax fraud, leading to the girls being audited. The reporters tend to be a mixture of those who are fighting for traditional values against modern “degeneracy”, InCels (involuntary celibates) that have been rejected all their lives and are trying to get back at women, as well as those who just think it’s a good troll and want to prevent tax evasion.
So what is the libertarian position on the Thot Audit? Although the popular slogan “taxation is theft” makes it obvious, there are those who believe that fighting degeneracy is a highly effective way to reach a free society, as traditional values lead to more stable, financially supportive families being formed which are needed to destroy dependency on government handouts. While the fact that stable families are needed is true, it is stupid to believe all “degeneracy” needs to be combated. The beauty of decentralized societies is that there can exist culturally conservative regions as well as more free ones. Given that the e-thots are a very small population of women, even getting rid of them completely would have a negligible effect.
Murray Rothbard writes, “Equality of unjust treatment can never be upheld as an ideal of justice.” Since taxes are theft and therefore immoral, one can’t be angry at someone who is evading them. To believe that no one should be above the law when the law is unethical is a flawed position to have. One should instead try to create more loopholes so that less and less amounts of people suffer.
Other libertarians, present author included, although not being against any type of tax evasion, think it is funny and ironic that these girls who tend to be very left wing on the economic scale, supporting socialists and democrats of the likes of Bernie Sanders, wanting to “tax the rich” to pay for their free healthcare and education, are now getting a taste of their own medicine. The good part is that many hate having to pay these taxes, which leaves them rather receptive to the libertarian message of government bad, loopholes good. Even if very few if any of them would become avid readers of Mises Institute and FEE articles, they’d be helpful in changing the political and cultural landscape to a more libertarian one.

H. Shaheen Mohammadi

Rothbardian Ancap mechatronic engineering student living in Australia. Interests include, but are not limited to, studying libertarian political philosophy, Austrian economics and evolutionary psychology, playing basketball, golf and Crash Bandicoot.

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